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Slow Down

Psalm 90:12 (ESV) So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

As many of you know I love taking long walks in the various parks around where I live. A couple of my favorites is the Rocky River Reservation next to where I used to work and the Carlisle Reservation – a recent find that is fast becoming my place of solitude and reflection as I walk the many trails there. On today's walk I found myself reflecting on how we often are in such a hurry to get somewhere we fail to notice the treasures along the way. Walking the trails and observing the changing season from summer to fall and the many colors that brings made me think of the many ways this works out in our lives.

We live in such a hurried world that slowing down is a struggle for many of us. We want to get to our destination or accomplish some tasks so badly we rush and hurry, and as a result miss many blessings along the way.

I remember listening to a sermon by Chuck Swindoll several years ago. I tried many times to locate the sermon but was never able to do it as he told a story that has stuck with me through the years. I will do my best to do it justice here, but please forgive my memory if you find the sermon and see some details I may have missed. Here is the story.

A man and his son were farmers. They made a meager living off the land and as it turns out it was time to take their produce to market in a city several miles away. They got up early in the morning while it was still dark to get to the city where they could hopefully find a good spot from which to sell their goods. As they made their journey to the city the farmer appeared to take his time, much to the annoyance of his son. “Come on dad, if we don’t get there soon all the good spots will be taken and we won’t be able to sell our produce.” The father responded to his son’s constant prodding to hurry up by reminded his son of the beautiful August day and the colors of the flowers along the way. “We will get there in plenty of time” was his response, “let’s enjoy the journey” which seemed to only annoy his son even more.

As they go close to the city, they saw a bright flash in the distance and the sound of what appeared to by thunder. “Just our luck” said the son “had we hurried up we would have made it to market in time to sell our produce before the rain. It looks like a thunderstorm ahead.” His father continued to tell his son they would be fine, “we will still get there in time to sell all of our produce.”

Finally, they made their way to the last hill before the road dipped down into the city. As they crested the rise, they both stopped. It was a long time before any spoke. Finally, the son told his father, “I see what you mean father – how important it is to smell the flowers along the way.” They then both turned back and made their way home.

The date was August 6th, 1945, and the city was Hiroshima Japan!

How often do we find ourselves in such a hurry to get to a destination we fail to notice that which is important along the way? When I was 14, I wanted to be 16 so I could have my driver’s license. When I was 16, I longed to be 18 so I could be out of High School. When I was 18, I wanted to be 22 and done with college. When I was 22, I wanted to be 30 because that was an age of maturity. When I was 30, I wanted to be retired so I could do what I wanted to do with my time.

Well now retirement is behind me, and my senior years are upon me! And what I find myself thinking about today is just how quickly the years have flown by. Just yesterday it seems I graduated from high school and yet in just a few days I will be 63 years old! I am sure I can’t be that old, but when I look at the calendar it doesn’t lie. I remember inadvertently parking in one of those special spots reserved for senior citizens. When I thought of moving to a different parking space, it hit me! I am a senior citizen!

How often do we want to get somewhere in life fast only to find that once we get there it isn’t at all what we thought it would be? How many treasures have we left alongside the road of life since we didn’t notice them because we were in a hurry to get to our destination? What would our lives be like if we learned to slow down, enjoy the journey, knowing that we will reach our destination when we get there? Why are we constantly yelling to God in the front seat, “are we there yet?”

So, my challenge to you, and to myself, is to slow down. We will hit life’s milestones when we hit them. In the meantime, look around. What do you see? What is the treasures God has placed all around you today that you can appreciate and enjoy along the journey?

My wife Donna was able to do this. I never saw someone quite like her with the ability to extract the joy and beauty in every day! She truly enjoyed the journey but now her earthly journey has ended, and she is in heaven – a place of ultimate beauty and joy. She was never in a hurry to get anywhere – much to my chagrin sometimes! But over the years she rubbed off on me. I have learned to slow down a bit and even though there is an impatient streak in me that pops up now and then I am finding myself more and more seeing and experiencing the joy in the journey.

Don’t be in a hurry to get to your destination, it may not be what you want and it most likely won’t be what you expect.

Remember Wally World!

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